Saturday, February 14, 2009

Take 2

This is my second attempt at blogging and as before i find myself at my wits end staring at this white empty space. I am glad there is no timer timing my progress.

The reason I finally decided to attempt to overcome a very long drawn writers bloc is that off late I find myself flooded with questions to which i have no answers. Questions about why things cant be simpler, neater or atleast more humane. Why the human race decides to put on the cloak of indifference and tackle issues only when it is staring at them point blank?
Where are we headed ?

In some respects it is better to go backwards, by stopping the guzzling of fuels at this astronomical rate and preserve the planet...go back so that you can bring back to life the umpteen species that have disappeared from the face of this earth...but thats not going to happen is it?
We are never going to check our comforts for the life of something lets go forward instead, lets strive and put our minds together to come up with innovative ways to save energy or create energy...lets build huge damns to harness a huge chunk of power even if that means dislocating people and ruining the wilderness...

In other aspects its a shame we are pressing the rewind button to our choice of time line, rewind to the era of Manu, the wisest male chauvinist pig, there ever was. Wisest because he knew he had'nt the courage to execute but just advocate, so he used the tool that every other religious fanatic uses. The tool that prods the insecurity of man and empowers him by bestowing upon him the right to control. His destiny. His life. and the lives of those who dont share the same views, the same drives as well as the same testosterone levels.
We forget the times when sexes lived in peace, oblivious to the change in their right to freedom due to their hidden genitals. So now we want to go back to the time when women in veils and in walls, serve steaming hot chapattis ,breast feed their babies they had no control over and wait with oil to massage the feet of their master.
By the way, the word husband is derived from husbandry and hence nothing more needs to be said about the roots of male chauvinism in everything, right from language to religion.

Anyway that was a vehement digression but yes, this is a scrap board really where I can shake off my thoughts, ponder over it and organize them atleast for the sake of mental clarity and an attempt at peace.

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