Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The watchman

I walk in at mid night, the lane is deserted
the gate is bolted.
The rusted iron creaks and groans, I tread lightly
The elevator is on its way, and I see him watch me

I walk in at mid night, the lane is deserted. Two men walking toward stop mid way
I hurry toward the gate, the gate slides open
I walk in toward the elevator..I stop and think, what if they decide to follow?
I turn to see the gate has been bolted
He is red eyed and watching me
I nod at him, glad

I walk to the elevator I see a journal by his chair
What could he be doing with an intellectual's daily bread?
Swatting mosquitoes I decide and pick it up nonchalantly and walk right in.

The watchman returns to his chair. The book is gone. He smiles.
Well it helped him stay awake till she came.
Tomorrow he will have to buy another from the 'Raddhi waala'
And await her safety while he can